Dec 1, 2013

The people round here,they just laugh and they sneer and they never appear to cry.Sit in their chair with their arms in the air and they don't seem to care till they die.But I know that the grass is greener on the other side of the council estate. No car but I won't go far if I haven't the patience to wait.I bit my lip until it bled.'Yes please' was all I ever said. Now it seems that I'm closer to dreams than I thought I would ever be.I bit my lip. I tried to explain about the fear and the pain but they say I complain about nothing.My head in my hands and my feet in the sandPerhaps you'd understand that it is something but I know that the sky is bluer on the other side of the playing fields.No map but I know that I can follow the way that I feel.I bit my lip until it bled.'Yes please' was all I ever said.Now it seems that I'm closer to dreams than I thought I would ever be.I bit my lip. But I know that the sky is bluer on the other side of the playing fields. No map but I know that I can follow the way that I feel.I bit my lip until it bled.'Yes please' was all I ever said.Now it seems that I'm closer to dreams than I thought I would ever be. I bit my lip.

( Lyrics : " I bit my lip", The Housemartins )
My map is in the sand and my dreams round here, closer to my feet.

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