Dec 15, 2009

I meet a new me at 8 a.m., the other one got lost. This was not a trade in, although I wouldn´t believe the cost. I woke up crying as we said goodbye. Me and my old self, each day he vanished more and more, as I became someone else. He actually was murdered, I had taken him apart. But when I put him back together, I couldn´t find his heart. It was resting underneath a chair, in a bed of bright tin foil. If I pulled back the flaps, I could still see it beat. I could still hear his voice uncoil, as I said : I want a trade in, a 14th chance at this life. I´ve meet a woman with a thousand faces, and I want to make her my wife. How could I have been so mistaken ? How I could I think it was true ? A child that is raised by an idiot, and that idiot then becomes you. How I could believe in a movie? How I could believe in a book? But most of all, how I could listen to you, such an obvious schmock ? A life spent listening to assholes, it´s funny but it´s true. So get rid of them, I said to myself. But first I´m getting rid of you. I want a trade in, a 14th chance at this life. I´ve meet a woman with a thousand faces. And I want to make her my wife. Take me over to the window, my heart said to my head. Please set me on fire, so we can start again. I was so wrong that it´s funny, and I can´t apologize. But instead you can be everything that I´m not, the second that I die. Ooohhh, I want a trade in, the second chance at this life, I´ve meet a woman with a thousand faces. And I want to make her my wife. HA! ( guitar breaking ), a 14th. chance at this life. I want a trade in...I said...ooohhh, 14th, 14th chance at this life.

( Lyrics : Lou Reed, "Trade In" ).

Although head believe in true faces, an idiot heart believe in a second chance.


neus said...

Sovint (potser) oblidem que el cor el fa anar el cap :*)

Estranger said...

No tot és una qüestió de física. Alguns diuen que la química també hi té alguna cosa a veure. A vegades és com un canvi de ritme, com el d´aquesta cançó.
