Jun 27, 2010

( Intro : Let´s gooo).Oh, the ragman draws circles up and down the block. I'd ask him what the matter was, but I know that he don't talk. And the ladies treat me kindly and furnish me with tape. But deep inside my heart I know I can't escape.Oh, Mama, this can really be the end, this can really be the end. To be stuck inside of Mobile with the Memphis blues again. Mona tried to tell me to stay away from the train line. She said that all the railroad men just drink up your blood like wine. And I said : "Oh, I didn't know that, but then again, there's only one I've met and he just smoked my eyelids and punched my cigarette."Oh, Mama, this can really be the end, this can really be the end.To be stuck inside of Mobile with the Memphis blues again. Grandma died last week, and now he's buried in the rocks. But everybody still talks about how badly they were shocked.But me, I expected it to happen,I knew he'd lost control when he built a fire on Main Street, and shot it full of holes. Oh, Mama, this can really be the end, this can really be the end. To be stuck inside of Mobile with the Memphis blues again. Now the senator came down here showing everyone his gun, handing out free tickets to the wedding of his son. And me, I nearly got busted, and wouldn't it be my luck to get caught without a ticket, and be discovered beneath a truck.Oh, Mama, this can really be the end, this can really be the end.To be stuck inside of Mobile with the Memphis blues again. Now the rainman gave me two cures .Then he said, "Jump right in."The one was Texas medicine, the other was just railroad gin. And like a fool I mixed them, and it strangled up my mind . And now people just get uglier and I have no sense of time.Oh, Mama, this can really be the end, this can really be the end. Oh Mama, this can really be the end, this can really be the end.

( Lyrics : "Memphis blues again", Bob Dylan. Spanish version : Kiko Veneno ).

Deep inside my heart, I know I can´t escape.


neus said...

ummm... la cançó m'agrada moltíssim, però si he de quedar-me amb una versió em quedo amb aquesta:

no la trobo enlloc més :(

PS said...

Està bé aquesta versió , no l´havia sentida mai.És una barreja explosiva, imagina´t, un andalús nascut a Figueres cantant un blues a ritme de rumba... Com l´Elur sovint escolto la versió dels Miralls de Dylan, em posa de bon humor.

Estranger said...

No m´estranya que us agradi la del Quintana, però és que a mi el Quintana...què voleu que us digui. La del Kiko Veneno ja té els seus anys. De fet, més de deu i més de quinze, em penso. El Kiko Veneno si que m´agrada.

neus said...

oh no... a mi en Quintana no m'agrada gens, a mi m'agrada en Batiste... i prefereixo en Dylan sense miralls.
