Ooh! Get me away from here I'm dying. Play me a song to set me free.Nobody writes them like they used to, so it may as well be me. Here on my own now after hours, here on my own now on a bus. Think of it this way you could either be successful or be us. With our winning smiles, and us ; with our catchy tunes, and us. Now we're photogenic, you know, we don't stand a chance.Oh, I'll settle down with some old story about a boy who's just like me. Thought there was love in everything and everyone. You're so naive!. They always reach a sorry endings. They always get it at the end. Still it was worth it as I turned the pages solemnly, and then with a winning smile, the boy with naivety succeeds. At the final moment, I cried. I always cry at endings, I always cry at endings. Oh, that wasn't what I meant to say at all. From where I'm sitting, rain falling against the lonely tenement. Has set my mind to wander into the windows of my lovers. They never know unless I write "This is no declaration, I just thought I'd let you know goodbye". Said the hero in the story :"It is mightier than swords, I could kill you sure but I could only make you cry with these words", cry with this words, cry with this words, cry with this words. Ooh! Get me away I´m dying, get me away I´m dying,..., I´m dying, oh I´m dying...
( Lyrics : Belle and Sebastian, " Get me away from here, I´m dying" ).
Now, the wandered pages turn on my way.
Ahir a migdia li hauria cantat al primer tren que passés: get me away, I'm dying... clar que tan em moriria aquí com allà :P
a vegades no sé què dir, encara que sàpiga què sento i ja ho veus, dic cullonades enlloc de callar.
una abraçada.
Quan dius "cullonades", em fas riure. Dir cullonades també està bé. De vegades te´n dic unes quantes i és perquè em ve de gust dir cullonades. Com aquesta, per exemple ( quina cullonada ! ).
Ara penso com deu ser cullonada amb anglès. Ja veus, una cullonada més.
i què? i què? com se'n diu?
oh! seria molt divertit saber quina paraula fan servir per dir 'cullons', també! la faria servir cada dia, així no em mirarien malament... és que sóc molt mal parlada a vegades... bé, quasi sempre... vaaaaaaaale, sempre!
(estic esverada, portem uns quants dies de vent del sud i avui sembla que ja no bufa però té pinta de que vulgui ploure...ho dic fluixet, no fos cas que se n'anés tot en orris per xerrar massa... ja callo, ja callo :P)
un plaer fer-te riure ;*)
(paraula de comprovació: untrons ... serà una senyal?)
Anathomic: balls
Figurative: guts
But in a non literal translation is better to use: bullshit!
I'm wandering while you are talking, but please do no die away.
Yes, bullshit maybe it´s the word, but english language haven´t the catalonian wealth for this kinf of expressions. Americans always use the word fuck ( with the termination -ing ) for all the bullshit things that happens normally in America.
Don´t worry about the rest. I´m not pretending die away. Thank you so much.
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