Dec 17, 2010


Got no time , got no mind, for the line in my life. No time to think. Time for sleep now, time to sink way into the blue, dear. Got no time, got no mind for the line in this life, no time to think. Time for sleep now, time to sink way into the blue, dear. So watch your time, time descends. Let it spill quietly from your hands. Oh, and the time is at hand when all things under the sky go free of time. Time is passing you by. Got no time, and I am drifting. Yes, I am drifting.

Remember when you were only a childRemember when you were only a child
Remember when you were only a child

Start to see with your blue mind ,start to see with your blue mind. Don't be afraid of what you find. No, don't be afraid of what you find (don't stop your heart). Cause I am drifting. Yes I´m drifting. Slowly, slowly I am drifting. Slowly, slowly, I am drifting...

( Lyrics : " Blue mind" , Alexi Murdoch )
Free of time, a child mind.


Pilar said...

Suerte del niño que nos acompaña a lo largo de nuestra vida y nos libera del tiempo.

neus said...

oh! m'agrada l'Alexi... molt.

remember when you were only a child...

Aquestes llums de Nadal m'han fet pensar en la meva bufanda feta de ganxet. Estic fatal, ho sé. Semblo una padrina, però moderna i sense rullus, è? no fotem!

[m'alegro de que et trobis millor, maco. Fes bondat, è? i si necessites res, xiula!]

(i els widgets ja tornen a funcionar! que bé!)

un petó.
