May 1, 2011

Things have been going wrong long enough to know, everything is right. Been walkin' in the dark long enough to know . Finally seein' the light. I've been losing long enough to know when I find one. And even a blind man can tell when he's walkin' in the sun. Cried enough tears to know this feelin' call a smile. And I've been border wrong long enough to know when I do in style.I've been run long enough to know no more need done.And even a blind man can tell when he's walkin' in the sun.And when the wind is at my back and sailing on a ship that's ovedue.Well I've blown so many chances that I ain't gonna blow this chance with you. And I've see enough bad time to know the good times begun.Even a blind man can tell when he's walkin' in the sun.Walkin' in the sun.

( Lyrics : " Walking in the sun ", Fink )

Enough, finally enough.

Listen HERE


PS said...

La primera vegada que l´he escoltat m´ha semblat que tenia la textura d´una veu negra, molt càlida i rítmica. Amb els cors ja en no tenia cap dubte, però he anat a veure qui era aquest senyor i ha sigut tota una sorpresa.

On deies que és la taquilla per anar a comprar el bitllet d´aquest viatge?

Estranger said...

La taquilla, dius ? Em penso que tú la tens oberta cada dia davant els teus ulls. Ara, jo tampoc em puc queixar, ho he d´admetre.

neus said...

Cada vegada que l'he escoltada m'ha passat el mateix, tanco els ulls i em gronxo... i se'm fa curt.

Estranger said...

Sembla que s´acabi massa aviat, però s´acaba i prou, i això m´agrada. És un espiritual acústic, ben amanit.

Si et fa gronxar, em dóno per satisfet, Neus.

neus said...

Encara que a blogger no li sembli bé, jo em continuo gronxant ;-)
